About Company

First-Group Oilfield Services Company with a commercial registration no, (50649) is one of the leading Libyan National Companies working in the field of oil services. FIGOS deals in Transportation, Maintenance, Establishments, Supplies, Logistical and Technical services in the oil felid.

FIGOS is a leader in Oilfield transportation. 

We have successfully completed many projects and are engaged in many ongoing projects, in collaboration with several oil companies both national and foreign.

FIGOS is an Oilfield Services and Equipments Rental Company with state-of-the-art technology meeting high quality standards, contributing with our work in the industrial, social and cultural development of the country, through the constant strengthening of the human Resources.

We are an organization dedicated to providing oil services and transport to the National and International Oil Industry, we recognize quality as a strategic factor to provide a high level service to achieve the full satisfaction of our customers, executing operations with the most high quality through the continuous improvement of our processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, forming and promoting a committed and competent staff.


Running Projects


Delivered Projects
